2006-02-06 00:00

General situation of international students education
The education of International students in New China began in 1950, and has witnessed great development in recent years. Statistics show that 363 universities in 31Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities (not including Taiwan Province, Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions) received 61,869 students from l69 countries to study in China in 2001.
Chinese universities provide both diploma education and non-diploma education, with the former including senior and junior undergraduate students, Master Degree Students, and Ph.D Students, and the latter including trainees and research scholars.
Chinese universities teach different types of students with different methods. Junior undergraduate students are required to study for two or three school years according to teaching programs, together with their Chinese counterparts in the same class, and conferred diplomas after they pass examinations.
Senior undergraduate students are required to Study for four or five school years according to teaching programs, and taught separately or together with their Chinese counterparts according to subject requirements. And meanwhile, some optional courses are cut to cater to varying conditions of each student, or separate courses are added to meet different needs. These students are conferred bachelor's degree after passing examinations and graduation thesis. Master degree students are required to study for two or three school years according to teaching programs. International students have to finish all courses set in teaching plans under the guidance of their tutors and pass examinations and graduation defence before being conferred master's degree.
Ph.D students are required to study for two or three school years according to teaching programs. International students have to finish all courses set in teaching plans under the guidance of their tutors and pass examinations and graduation defence before being conferred doctor's degree.
Visiting students are required to study for one or two school years and are taught either separately or together with their Chinese counterparts according to their subjects. They are conferred refresher certificates after passing examinations or proficiency assessment.
Senior Visiting Students are required to study for one or two school years. The school must offer a tutor for each of them to direct their research according to different research projects. They are conferred refresher certificates after finishing their studies and research programs.
Research scholars are offered a liaison teacher each according to their research projects. They have to depend mainly on themselves for research, and the research time is decided according to the requirements of monographic research projects.
Chinese language learners, who are equal to graduates from high schools in China, are usually required to study for one or two school years, and are conferred refresher certificates after finishing their studies.
Chinese universities encourage International students to come to China and study for master, and doctor's degrees. Some universities are able to offer courses directly in foreign languages.

Types and qualifications of foreign students accepted


Application and Enrollment


(junior and senior)

Foreigner equal to or above graduate from high school in China, having passed examination held by the university or college, is admitted.

Junior 4-5year
Senior 2-3year

Master Degree students

College graduate with recommendations of two vice-professors or professors, having passed enrollment examination; or graduating as an undergraduate in China at the same year, excellent in courses, recommended to be admitted without entrance examination.

2-3 ( year )

Ph.D student

Postgraduate, recommended by two vice-professors or professors, passed entrance examination.

3 ( year )

Chinese Language Learner

Equal to or above graduate from high school China.

1-2 ( year )

Visiting students

Equal to or above a sophomore grade.

1-2 ( year )

Senior Visiting students

With Master's degree or above or studying for doctoral degree.

( within 1 year )

Research Scholar

Vice-professor or above.

( within 1 year )

Short-term Student

Equal to or above graduate from high school China.